How To Buy Shoes Featured on

Please read the following to learn how to buy custom shoes featured here on

If you are visiting this page you may not be aware that does not customize, make, and or sell any of the shoes featured on this website unless otherwise noted. We are a news resource whose sole purpose is to showcase the work of the best shoe customizers in the world and information on how to customize your own pair of shoes. Each post features a pair of shoes, usually name brand, that has been altered by an individual or customizing company. Towards the end of the text on each post is information in the form of a bold blue “text link” on where they might be selling the design online or where you can contact them to commission your own pair via: their website, email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The majority of shoes posted are 1 of 1 designs that the artist may or may not be willing or offering to recreate. In some cases posts made up of lists feature work from multiple artists that have no connection other than they have each customized a different pair of shoes based on the same theme, example: The Best Fight Club Custom Shoes. Each of these posts has multiple links to where you can contact the different artists.

Here is a visual on where to usually find the shoe customizers contact information on an individual post to buy custom shoes:

Where to buy custom shoes on paintorthread

If you are still unsure on how to buy custom shoes you or contact a shoe customizer send us an email: contact[at]paintorthread[dot]com and we will try to help!

Disclaimer: is not responsible for any problems that may arise in the purchase of shoes featured on this site. You are required to independently contact the artist of the work we showcase and complete a transaction based on their own website or shop policies. In most instances work is offered on a “made to order” basis meaning on average it will take multiple weeks for a shoe customizer to complete and ship the work. Occasionally a multiple pair run may already be produced and ready to ship. As with purchasing anything on the Internet be sure to read and understand any terms and conditions you must agree to when purchasing a product.