One customizer steadily building a reputation for going above and beyond just a basic custom paint job has been Impeccable Customs. He has gotten the dyed clear soles and engraving techniques down. This pair of Premium Nike Blazers titled “Hella Elephant” feature something that has not been done by much of any shoe customizers. The relatively all gray Blazers are covered in an engraved take on the classic elephant print. Next the lace panels are painted red to match the Swooshes that are made from red leather cord weaved in and out of the leather in a criss cross pattern. A close look at the back heel panels shows the usual NIKE tagging but again it is also created from a leather cord in black. This leather cord weaving technique is definitely something you could only get from a shoe customizer. Do you think Impeccable’s use of the cord is something he should continue to do? PaintOrThread says yes!
Hella Elephant Nike Blazer Premium Custom by Impeccable Customs