Fabergé Shoes with Evan Macpherson on Atlent Mag

Throughout our site, other sneaker blogs, social media and rest of the Internet stands many levels of artists that have customized a sneaker or done enough to be considered a sneaker customizer. Some embrace the label of customizer, others ask not to be associated, and some just don’t worry. Why fret about what someone labels you? Just put out creative work and be happy enough that someone cares to give you their time even if its as short as double tapping your latest over filtered Instagram post.

One person that doesn’t seem like he wastes time worrying about labels and has surely lost some sleep over his work is Evan Macpherson of Revive Customs. That’s probably one of the reasons Atlent Magazine reached out to him for their series of interviews on creatives and their crafts. This is a write up you can’t miss here: Fabergé Shoes with Evan Macpherson on AtlentMag.com

P.S. if anyone knows of the FB group he is talking about can you let us know?
