If your looking at the portfolio of Revive Customs work nearly every pair could be a history lesson with the subject likely having it’s own Wikipedia page. The latest is his dedication to the Technics SL-1200 turntable due to their recent discontinuing by Panasonic. The base shoe of choice was the hard to find in the US, New Balance 1500. His first change was painting the 1500 stitching to read 1200. Next the Technics gray and purple logo often seen on the tables platter was painted on the back heels. Lastly one of a tables most recognizable parts, the strobe dots, were painted in their stationary form around the mudguard section of the kicks. Revive’s logo in red completes the project right under the Made In England stitching across the tongues. A quick glance of these and any dj would surely know.
Check more work from Revive Customs at: ReviveCustoms.com and follow him on Twitter: @ReviveCustoms